Wiva® is not only a device
Wiva is a mood, Wiva is a happy life style.
We are designing a Wiva's World dedicated to us
that we love sport
people, nature and this world.

technology, design, innovation
just over 3 cm
Created to make available at the professional athlete or amateur Wiva® is a small inertial sensor (35x37x15mm) that uses wireless Bluetooth connection "4 low energy".
Inside there are a IMU 9 axes sensor, an altimeter and optionally a powerful GPS.

choose where place your Wiva® device and get in track!
Place your Wiva®; you will have data of the different phases of your action and you can plan your improvements.

one for all, all for one
Wiva® will be available in specialized versions for the main sports activities; the Apps and dedicated desktop application in cloud, will extend the use of the same device Wiva® on multiple disciplines.

Wiva's world
grows all around you
The "world of Wiva®" will soon be populated by unmatched solutions that will support you in your passion for the exercise and for the well-being which results from it. Sign up below to be informed on the developments of this technological revolution.

Follow us@e-wiva for more awesome updates
COSMOBIKE VERONA (ITALY) 16-19 September 2016
Come to COSMOBIKE 2016 to see the new WIVA...
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Get Wiva® to track your performances
and win your game!